What do I do as an AFFILIATE?

As an affiliate you will promote our products and earn for each successful sale.

How can I become AFFILIATE?

You can sign up as an affiliate with us with your Email address and Cell Number. Please click here to sign up now


How will you pay commission?

Commission will be paid only through discount codes. You will be able to get the discount code directly from your Affiliate Portal after 15 days of successful sale. You will be able to use these discount codes to purchase products from NORAANI.COM

Can I earn commission in Cash?

We pay commission in cash only if your earned commission is at minimum Rs. 5000 in a month. For smaller amounts, commissions will be paid only through discount code.

How much commission can I earn?

The is standard 10% commission, which means for every 1000 rupees of sale, you will earn 100 rupees.

How can I promote your products?

When you will sign up with us on https://noraaniaffiliates.goaffpro.com/, you will get a unique link You can copy that link and share it in your circle of friends and family on WhatsApp, Instagram, youtube, facebook, tiktok, or any other place online you might have seen other people saying this (link in bio/ link in description) . When a customer comes to our website using your link and places an order, our system will record that this customer came through your promotion.

Will I get commission if customer does not receive the order or returns the order?

No, your commission will be payable only if order is received and paid by the customer.

I am a social media influencer, can I join you as a affiliate?

Yes, you can join us as a affiliate and promote our products in your posts, stories, and reels using Unique Link.



I am a student/housewife; how can I promote?

You can promote our products in your friends & family. You can also join different groups on facebook and WhatsApp and promote our products there.

I have a blog website, a social media page, or WhatsApp group. Can I promote?

Certainly, you can. Simply share our products with your unique link and start earning commission for sales coming from your promotion.

Will I be paid commission for the sale of only those products that I promote? What if customer buys something else?

As long as a customer comes to our website using your unique link or uses your Discount Code to buy anything from our website, you will be paid commission.

How would I know how many sales have been generated through my promotion?

You affiliate portal will provide all the details of website visits and sales generated through your promotion.

Can I get a unique link for any product?

(only if u want to direct a customer to a specific product)

Yes you can. You need to use affiliate toolbar in order to get a unique link for any product.

How do I use affiliate toolbar?

Login to affiliate portal on your mobile phone

Tap on "Home" to open dropdown menu.

Tap on “Marketing Tool”

Tap on “Product Links”. This will open NORAANI.COM in a new tab.

Now you can see toolbar on the top. Open any product page. Tap copy and now you can paste it anywhere. You can also directly share it on Facebook or WhatsApp by tapping their on Facebook and WhatsApp icons.

Do you give FREE PR for promotion of your products to social media influencers?

We do not offer FREE PR products, however, if you promote us and earn any commission in the form of discount codes, you can use those discount codes to buy products of your choice.